My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Friday, April 4, 2008

The results are in...

Welcome back! Where we left off last time was my proposal to put the Uncertainty Reduction Theory to use in my own life. First of all, here is a picture of me and the girl I bonded with.

When I went over to my friend's room, her two friends whom I've never met were there bonding it up already. I was introduced to Lauren and automatically I told her I liked her shirt. It seems that every time I bond with a female I look for something on her person (subconsciously) and compliment her on it. It is either her shirt, shoes or purse. With Lauren it was her shirt.

One thing I pointed out as well is that my middle name is Lauren. So take a moment here. This Uncertainty Reduction Theory seems to be on point here. I just revealed to this person that my middle name was the same as her first, but if this weren't the first time I met her, I would not have mentioned that. Huh. So it turns out that scholars are on to something with this theory...

Or I'm just really awkward.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Well I'm a little uncertain...

So as my two readers know, I have started this blog for my Communications class and am encouraged (required, whatever) to have some of my blogs be about communications studies! So tonight, dear reader(s), I introduce to you UNCERTAINTY REDUCTION THEORY!

Here's the basic premise of this theory: when you first meet someone, you disclose more information about yourself than you normally would to reduce uncertainty. If you have high uncertainty (or if you're really nervous in a situation) then it is more likely that you will tell this stranger a little more than you would tell an acquaintance.

Since this is a theory that is published in a college text book, let's put it to good use. I am going to go over to a friend's room tonight where she is hanging out with two of her other freshman friends (I am a junior) that I do not know. While I am thrown into a situation like this awkwardly let's see how I interact with the two new girls. I'll test out the theory and see if it's all it's cracked up to be...

Technology My Way

Now that the whole world is becoming digital it's no wonder that television shows are taking on the internet as well. The thing that probably really spurred this movement was the fact that people were recording the episodes and uploading them illegally for people to watch for free. So NBC and ABC finally caught on and offered full episodes on their websites for free, but to still earn money they air commercials (one or two) in between.

It took Fox a little longer to catch on and they're still very slow. The new episode isn't uploaded until after the next one airs on television which doesn't make any sense. If all viewers are able to watch the episode online and catch up, by the time the actual episode rolls around, more viewers would tune in. So thanks to new technology, I am able to cuddle up with my laptop (as if that's my actual laptop) and spend hours at a time watching episodes with limited commercial interruptions. :)