My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Technology My Way

Now that the whole world is becoming digital it's no wonder that television shows are taking on the internet as well. The thing that probably really spurred this movement was the fact that people were recording the episodes and uploading them illegally for people to watch for free. So NBC and ABC finally caught on and offered full episodes on their websites for free, but to still earn money they air commercials (one or two) in between.

It took Fox a little longer to catch on and they're still very slow. The new episode isn't uploaded until after the next one airs on television which doesn't make any sense. If all viewers are able to watch the episode online and catch up, by the time the actual episode rolls around, more viewers would tune in. So thanks to new technology, I am able to cuddle up with my laptop (as if that's my actual laptop) and spend hours at a time watching episodes with limited commercial interruptions. :)

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