My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Monday, January 28, 2008

Communications, you say?

A fancy way to further communication within our society: blogging. I was talking with my mom the other day about blogging and I said, "So my teacher said that we could substitute one of our tests with a blog, even though it might be more work," but my mom cuts me off and says, "What?" I said, "Oh yeah, it might be more work but..." At the confused look on her face I trailed off and my sister-in-law said, "Blogging, it's like a journal online." Clarity dawned on my mom's face and I just smiled. It's so easy to be outdated now with technology rapidly becoming more and more complicated (or just evolving, rather).

So how great is it that we've added tools to keep everyone updated on our whereabouts and what we just had for breakfast. Blogging is the future but has it dampered our communications skills?

There are two sides to this. The other day in my Communications Theory class we discussed the consequences of Facebook; this is very similar. Facebook can lead to diminished face-to-face communications skills, bad health, bad grammar, unpopularity and a drop in productivity among many things. Blogging can be the same way and I've experienced this first hand. When there is nothing to do but homework a lot of procrastinators (such as myself) look for ways to put off doing work. I had a blog on myspace and a blog on Xanga and I must have posted two blogs on each page in the span of an hour. Talk about diminished productivity. People can get so caught up in blogging that it can become an obsession and take over your life.

But that can be the same for a lot of things. On the positive side, blogging can help you keep in touch with friends that live far away (or keep up with a long distance relationship), it can make your social and professional networking increase and it can help you sharpen your grammatical skills. I know that I use a lot of fancy words in my blogs that I wouldn't use in a natural conversation, but that's the fun of blogging: you get to sound like a professional.

So blogging can be good or bad, depends on how you use your time. Blogging is a great step for Communications because it's a way to discuss things (theories, concepts, Communications class) with the world fast, and without spending money on postage.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits...

So the other day, Clemson campus was graced with an appearance from Chuck Norris! Oh, yes, Mike Huckabee tagged along, too, but that's not the important part. The important part was the Chuck. I wish I had known he was coming, otherwise I would have attempted to go to the rally. One of the guys in my classes even received an autographed card of Chuck Norris round-house kicking the photographer.

But the thing that really tempted me to blog about him was a girl in my Broadcast Journalism class. She said, "I think that Chuck Norris would hurt Huckabee's campaign, because he's only a big joke. The only reason he's famous is because everyone's made him a joke." I wanted to retort with something, but that is what I think of Chuck Norris. It's funny because of all of the Chuck Norris "facts." Such as the title of this blog. But isn't that what the entertainment industry is made up of? Angelina Jolie is just a big joke to people. I mean, she's a great actress and beautiful and all that, but all people see is a walking punch line.

And Britney Spears. Poor, poor Britney. Her life is nothing more than a mockery to the paparazzi and all the media outlets now. I was adamant in disliking her along with the rest, but when she had her breakdown, I could only think of her kids. These are real lives that are being invaded and mocked.

But with Chuck Norris, his life isn't being mocked, just his role for being on Walker Texas Ranger. Back to the comment, after the girl said this, our teacher pointed out that that's how Huckabee is reaching the younger audience with him. With a joke that all kids find as funny. But the older generation is being reached, too. Because adults who grew up watching Walker Texas Ranger (Peggy Bowers included) see him as the epitome of justice. Mike Huckabee may not be able to kick drug dealers' butts, but Chuck Norris sure can. He can deliver a round-house kick-o-justice to the bad guys' faces.

So. Huckabee chose Chuck because of the wide audience he influences and also the toughness that he emanates. I think Chuck Norris should teach a Communications class. He could teach a class about the effectiveness of communicating. It's not just about sending a message out, it's about the other person understanding the message and why it's being sent.

Okay, I've blabbered on enough.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Director of the week

Joss Whedon. This man is an institution. Not only has he created three television shows (one of which was wildly popular) but he writes for the funniest shows out there as well.

I am in love with Joss Whedon because of his ingenious writing. His ability to create this fabulous worlds that are dark and hilarious at the same time while keeping the writing sharp and witty is...positively amazing. All three of his television shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly) are part of my TV shows on DVD collection. When I first started watching BtVS someone told me that the only people he knew of watching that show were fanatics. I thought I was impervious to that, but Whedon's words drew me in. I'm not sure what parts of his shows I enjoy the most, but I think it is the characters and their relationships. And their dialogue; if only I could speak like Buffy or Xander.

But apart from the small little charms that Whedon puts into his shows, it amazes me how one man can be so determined. A lot of people I put onto pedestals and think that they are a different kind of species; that they aren't made of the same things that I'm made of. Sort of like Bill Gates and Einstein. But Joss Whedon is just another witty writer (something that I aspire to be) who put forth this amazing work and determination to succeed, and did so. I'm not an overachiever by any means, but maybe I can make my dreams come true (cliche, but go with me here) by looking to what he did. I only need to make small efforts to do what he did. Put together a portfolio and send it off to some amazing magazine.

I choose Joss Whedon as my director of the week (or basically just person of the year in my diary) because this one guy created three of my favorite television shows. His vision was put out there for others to take part in and ENJOY and without him, without his writing or part in the creation, I would not have a sanctuary to go home to today. I would not have Angel and his group of friends waiting in my DVD player to keep me warm from the snow. So thank you, Joss Whedon.

And for those of you who are interested in Joss Whedon and his projects, go here: it's very lovely :)