My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits...

So the other day, Clemson campus was graced with an appearance from Chuck Norris! Oh, yes, Mike Huckabee tagged along, too, but that's not the important part. The important part was the Chuck. I wish I had known he was coming, otherwise I would have attempted to go to the rally. One of the guys in my classes even received an autographed card of Chuck Norris round-house kicking the photographer.

But the thing that really tempted me to blog about him was a girl in my Broadcast Journalism class. She said, "I think that Chuck Norris would hurt Huckabee's campaign, because he's only a big joke. The only reason he's famous is because everyone's made him a joke." I wanted to retort with something, but that is what I think of Chuck Norris. It's funny because of all of the Chuck Norris "facts." Such as the title of this blog. But isn't that what the entertainment industry is made up of? Angelina Jolie is just a big joke to people. I mean, she's a great actress and beautiful and all that, but all people see is a walking punch line.

And Britney Spears. Poor, poor Britney. Her life is nothing more than a mockery to the paparazzi and all the media outlets now. I was adamant in disliking her along with the rest, but when she had her breakdown, I could only think of her kids. These are real lives that are being invaded and mocked.

But with Chuck Norris, his life isn't being mocked, just his role for being on Walker Texas Ranger. Back to the comment, after the girl said this, our teacher pointed out that that's how Huckabee is reaching the younger audience with him. With a joke that all kids find as funny. But the older generation is being reached, too. Because adults who grew up watching Walker Texas Ranger (Peggy Bowers included) see him as the epitome of justice. Mike Huckabee may not be able to kick drug dealers' butts, but Chuck Norris sure can. He can deliver a round-house kick-o-justice to the bad guys' faces.

So. Huckabee chose Chuck because of the wide audience he influences and also the toughness that he emanates. I think Chuck Norris should teach a Communications class. He could teach a class about the effectiveness of communicating. It's not just about sending a message out, it's about the other person understanding the message and why it's being sent.

Okay, I've blabbered on enough.

1 comment:

Mihaela V (@mihaela_v) said...

Very interesting thoughts on why Huckabee picked (or accepted) Chuck Norris' endorsement. Also enjoyed the funny writing about what generation is being targeted :)