My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't call it a comeback.

Just call it a new post :)

Sorry to have taken this long to get back in the game, but I've been mightily distracted. First and foremost, this post is dedicated to my cat who has been missing for 3 weeks now. We know if he were alive he would've made it back to us.

No matter what I will always love you, Ollie. You will forever be in my heart.

Now. To get to less painful subjects; let's do a little writin'.

I've decided that I'm going to start a story here. Whether it's a short story or not is up to your perspective. Ahem.

Part One.The Storm.

Talia jumped as a peal of thunder shook the floor of the dank, dark and silent cabin she was currently huddled in.

"A great adventure....just trust me...hah, last time I'm listening to her." Talia muttered under her breath as she shivered and pulled her knees closer in to her chest. Just need to create more body warmth. Maybe if she jumped up and down and did some jumping jacks--BOOM!

"This weather is getting ridiculous." Talia scoffed, trying not to feel the fear sneaking up on here. She didn't know these woods as well as Becca; this was Becca's back yard practically. She wouldn't be able to find her way back to Becca's house alone. Where did Becka go anyway? They were both scanning the woods for some shelter from the storm that blew in unexpectedly and the next thing Talia realizes is she's standing in the woods. Alone.

She started yelling her friend's name, competing with the howling wind for dominance. Talia decided to wait the storm out somewhere, and then she would go looking for Becca. A bolt of lightning lit up the darkened cabin and Talia immediately starting counting. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi--BOOM! The storm was less than a mile away.

Trying to abate her fear, Talia started to think of all the things she needed to get done that week. Apply for more jobs. The cabin lit up again. Go pick up her new kitten she found on Craigslist. One Mississippi. Get her brakes changed. Two Mississippi. Plan out her trip to Miami for her birthday. Three Mississippi. BOOM! Talia blew her breath out impatiently, dropping her head in her hands to try and block out reality.

She never liked storms. They always reminded her of what happened when she was five. Or rather, what almost happened. Not a great time to think of that right now.

Don't think about it, she told herself. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Talia began to chant in her head. Anything to drown this out.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Think. Think. Think. BOOM!

Talia looked out the window. The rain is coming down in sheets and it looks like so much fun. She pressed her nose against the glass longingly.

"Talia! Get away from the window, darling. I don't want you getting hurt!"
Her mom ushered her quickly away from the window, plopping her down at her play desk and handing her some crayons. "Why don't you draw Mommy a picture while I do some ironing, hmm Sweetie?" Her mom turned back to her ironing board and started humming.

Two colorful houses later Talia, bored of drawing for Mommy, looked back to the window. If only she could get out there without Mommy noticing she could go swimming in the water that's outside! She could make it back and sit down at her table without anyone the wiser. Talia nodded her reserve and crept away from the table. She walked into the kitchen and tip toed dramatically to the door.

She reached up and grabbed the doorknob, turning it slowly and soundlessly pulling open the door. Talia looked out from behind the screen door and smiled. This looked like so much fun! She pushed open the screen door and leaped out the door with a joyful shriek. Talia clapped her hands over her mouth and glanced back at the closing screen door.
Mommy might have heard that. Better run so she doesn't see me out here! Talia thought as she took off running.

Talia ran in no particular direction. She leaped and galloped and skipped and slid. She laughed hysterically when she slipped in some mud and fell on her bottom. Looking up at the sky was difficult; the water kept getting in her eyes. While she was running, she saw a streak of white flash through the sky.

Oooh, how pretty was that! Talia giggled and kept running. A loud boom alerted her to something not quite right. I know that sound, Talia paused, that's the sound that makes me crawl into Mommy and Daddy's bed at night.

Suddenly frightened, Talia started to run back toward her house. She came out from underneath the tree's branches in the field behind her house. As she was sprinting at full speed back to her house, her mom came out the back door.

"Talia! What in heavens are you doing? Get back in here now! You're going to get struck by lightning!" As soon as the words left her mother's mouth, a bolt of lightning hit the tree behind Talia. Sobbing, she pushed herself even harder to get to her mother than before.

She slammed into her mother, a bawling, wet mess. Her mother whirled them both inside, shutting the door quickly.

"Talia, Baby, are you okay? Aw Honey, it's okay. Come here, let's dry you off." Her mom murmured soothing words as she toweled Talia off and changed her into dry clothes. She grabbed her Teddy off the bed and clung to her mother for dear life. Never ever again was she going out in a storm. BOOM!

Talia jumped, shocked out of her reverie by the cabin trembling fearfully again. She didn't blame the cabin. She was never listening to Becca again.

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