My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's been a while

I would like to stop making excuses for myself. So. Here is a new blog, sorry for the delay.

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and it just took me a while to put it up, but this theme is happiness. I wrote it with pencil and paper first, then transferred it onto the blog.

I touch the pencil to paper and try to catch the tail end of the thoughts that are racing around in my head. Like the elusive thoughts, the definition of happiness seems to always be out of reach.

How do you define something amorphous? How do you assign one or more lines of paper to a feeling so interchangeable? By describing certain moments in time where happiness was the prevalent thought in my mind.

I hear the blood rushing in my ears, feel my heartbeat thudding along in time with my footfalls. My eyes roll heavenward to take in the blue sky with clouds lazily drifting by. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes as the smell of nature fills my lungs and one thought drifts through my mind like the clouds in the sky: happiness...

The door slams behind me and I slump on the stairs, defeat rounding my shoulders. My breath escapes lungs and runs out of my mouth, forming a forlorn sigh that bounces loudly in the big, empty house. A tear rolls soundlessly down my cheek as I think about what a horrible day I've had. Just then the clicking sounds of my dogs toenails on the hardwood floor draw my attention and my eyes up from the floor, focusing on his little doggy smile aimed my way. Max, my Yorkshire Terrier, smiles at me whenever he's happy to see me and it makes my own lips turn up at the corners. His joy at seeing me lifts my own heart and I draw him into my arms, kissing his little snout in gratitude. As the bad day slowly evaporates, one word quickly takes the empty space left behind: happiness...

I settle in to the fluffy pillow behind me and pull the warm blanket up closer to my chin. A book sits on the table beside me and a sigh of contentment drifts out of my mouth. I'm not sure if this moment could be made any better. I look around the room that I'm currently resting in and breathe in the quiet and dim lighting. The sushi pub at my job is usually filled with people, blaring televisions and noisy chatter, but currently it is calm and peaceful; inviting me to pick up my book and enjoy my break from the calamity. Before I immerse myself in the world of my book, I think about what this moment in time feels like to me: happiness...

Next theme: Sweet.